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Making your kids twice a day can be a tedious and frustrating affair especially when your child doesn’t like brushing or is sensitive to oral care products. Kids are full of energy and any amount of reasoning doesn’t work with them. So, what do you do? You make brushing a fun and enjoyable experience rather than a compulsion and stressful activity. How do you do that? You give them products that they love to interact with and create a deep sense of association with their favourite stuffs. That’s where DentoShine steps in. DentoShine oral care products are uniquely designed to make your kids enjoy brushing, by developing toothpastes whose taste resembles like their favourite fruits as well as by introducing toothbrushes which have super soft bristles and ergonomic designs which holds firmly in their little palms. What’s more, all this in their favourite cartoon characters.


Mobile Friendly

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Light Weight

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Multiple Effects

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Easy to Use

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